Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Diabetes could be due to the use of certain drugs or consumption of foods that are not controlled

Sign of Diabetes
- often experience fatigue and shortness of breath
- frequent urination
- decreased body weight
urine is often surrounded by ants
- often feel thirsty
- dry mouth

The causes of Diabetes
High blood pressure
Smoking and Stress
Carbohydrate consumption too high
High Cholesterol

Reflexology for Diabetes

Diabetes could be due to the use of certain drugs or consumption of foods that are not controlled

Sign of Diabetes
- often experience fatigue and shortness of breath
- frequent urination
- decreased body weight
urine is often surrounded by ants
- often feel thirsty
- dry mouth

The causes of Diabetes
High blood pressure
Smoking and Stress
Carbohydrate consumption too high
High Cholesterol

Reflexology for Diabetes

Monday, September 24, 2012

The possibility of this disease the brain nervous system disorders.
The disease is not included hereditary.
The most noticeable if patients experience are:
- Excessive sweating and foaming at the mouth
- Seizures - Seizure
- Hot flushes and difficult to breathe

Reflexology Epilepsy or Seizures

Dysentery is an inflammatory disorder of the large intestine causing diarrhea containing mucus and blood. This disease can be fatal if not immediately treated.

Reflexology for Dysentery

Friday, September 21, 2012

Heat illness often strikes children and adults rule also can be exposed to heat illness.
Handling usually compress up to normal body temperature.
Give the right medicine for the patient to be able to accelerate the healing heat.


Diphtheria is an infectious disease. The disease is caused by a bacillus Loeffler.
Can be transmitted through saliva splashes of patients.
Symptoms of diphtheria is:
- Temperature rises
- Throat pain when swallowing food
- Decreased appetite


People with diarrhea will experience fatigue, as your body fluids will gradually diminish
Patients will experience a bowel movement in a high intensity.
The cause of diarrhea is usually due to a virus or bacteria that enter the body with food that is consumed by people. Stomach will feel heartburn and abdominal pain.
In addition to massage treatments may be able to reduce the intensity of defecation.

Massage for diarrheal disease

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Asthmatic breathing usually short - short and heavy, aching in the chest. Often has difficulty sleeping and always coughing.
Patients will experience any shortness of breath of air when the disease relapsed.
Here's the point reflexology asthma


Ulcer is a disease of the skin, but it causes pain or pain on the skin area. Use warm water compresses to reduce pain in the ulcers. We are to keep the skin clean, to reduce infection order which can cause ulcers.


The disease is highly contagious.
Usually persistent cough, could a few weeks or months
or even yearly if not treated

- Frequent cough with mucus
- Pain in the chest
- Feels shortness of breath
- Fever, body temperature rises.
- Sore throat
- Body feels tired

Reflexology Points Bronchitis

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Gallstones are crystals deposited in the bile ducts. Gallstones usually because of advanced age, obesity, and heredity. The main components of gallstones are cholesterol can also calcium salts. This disease can cause intestinal blockage. Patients will often experience pain, nausea, vomiting. Pain is usually in the abdomen on the right and get the pain to the right shoulder.
Reduce fatty foods to reduce pain in patients.

Massage will be able to reduce the reflection of gallstone disease

Gallstone Reflexology

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cough illness would be very disturbing if it is severe. In this massage technique, it is recommended to drink plenty of water before and after the massage, useful to accelerate metabolism of blood in the body.
Avoid smoking, drinking less ice for faster recovery.
These reflections point massage to cough illness
